Terms of Reference (TOR)
International Advisory Committee
University of Baltistan, Skardu


The newly established University of Baltistan is the first and only federally chartered public university in Baltistan region. In view of the rich natural and cultural resources of the region, the university aspires to engage in research and development activities in multiple domains. For this purpose, the university has chalked out its evolving document of ‘The Future Plan’, that stipulates the envisioned programs of R & D for the overall wellbeing of the peopleand sustainable conservation and use of these resources.

To accomplish the goals, the University needs expert advices and collaborative support all over the world.To get this soft support, the university suggestedto form an informal forum of UOBS ‘International Advisory Committee’, comprising scholars, researchers and lovers of Baltistan who have work or academic experience in/of Baltistan.In this regard, the University has contacted many international friends of Baltistan including academia, development workers and researchers and all of them have appreciated this suggestion and shown keen interest in development of Baltistan particularly the University of Baltistan. They are ready to provide to guidance and spare their valuable time for the University according to their fields of expertise.

The Office of the Academics and Outreach UOB will be in regular contact with all these renown scholars and professors to obtain guidance in matters of policy, planning,development and linkages of the university. Membership to this committee is open to all international level intellectuals, researchers, academicians and experts who are voluntarily willing to join the committee to make the University of Baltistan one of the best universities of the country.

Committee Terms of Reference (TOR)

  • All members will work in honorary capacity,
  • Work to introduce and promote University of Baltistan at international fora,
  • Share and guide opportunities of faculty, scholars and students exchanges offered by various organizations and universities,
  • Promote academic and research linkages between UOB and other Universities and organizations,
  • Explore opportunities for short term and long term placement of students, faculty and guest scholars, particularly placement of adjunct faculty,
  • Identify the experts and talented GB diaspora for short and long term engagement at UOB,
  • Participate in international conferences and research endeavors and share the outcomes and updates with UOB to supplement its knowledge base,
  • Identify institutions and possible partners that could work with UOB,
  • Meet regularly either physically or virtually to discuss matters of interests from time to time,
  • Provide advice to UOB to identify and manage human, physical, and technological resources,
  • Annual report of the university will have a chapter on progress of the committee that will be shared with the Senate of UOB.
  • The profiles of the committee will be displayed on the university website as international ambassadors of the university to generate goodwill of the university,
  • The university may seek expert opinions of any member regarding their fields of expertise to be studied/developed by the university.

The contact focal person:

Dr. Zakir Hussain Zakir,

Director Academics and Outreach

University of Baltistan, Skardu

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 International Advisory Committee for University of Baltistan, Skardu

  1. Dr. Muhammad Naeem Khan

                Vice Chancellor,

                (Committee Chairperson)

                University of Baltistan, Skardu


                 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  1. Professor Kenneth Iain MacDonald, Ph.D.

                Department of Human Geography and City Studies;

                Centre for Critical Development Studies

                University of Toronto, Scarborough

                1265 MIlitary Trail,

                Toronto, ON

                Canada M1C 1A4

               Dept of Geography and Program in Planning;

               Center for Diaspora and Transnational Studies

               Jackman Humanities Building

                University of Toronto

                170 St. George St.

                Toronto, ON

                M5R 2M8


  1. Professor Asim Ijaz Khwaja

                 Professor of Public Policy

                Sumitomo-Foundation for Advanced Studies on International       
                Development Professor of International Finance and Development

                Harvard Kennedy School of Government

                Harvard University


  1. Dr. Matthias Schmidt

                Institute of Geography

                University of Augsburg

                Alter Postweg 118

                D - 86159 Augsburg


  1. Ingrid Nyborg

                Associate Professor

                Department of International Environment and Development Studies,
                Noragric Campus Ås. www.nmbu.no

                Norgesmiljø- ogbiovitenskapeligeuniversitet

                Norwegian University of Life Sciences


  1. Professor Shafqat Hussain

                 Chair, Department of Anthropology

                Associate Professor of Anthropology

                Trinity College, 300 Summit Street

                 Hartford, CT 06106


  1. Professor Syed Mahboob Shah, (MBBS, MPH, PhD)

                Professor &World Heart Federation Emerging Leader for
                Non-communicable Disease (NCD) Prevention

                Institute of Public Health

                College of Medicine & Health Sciences

                Al Ain, Abu Dhabi, UAE


  1. Jan Magnusson,

                 Associate professor

                School of Social Work,

                Faculty of Social Sciences

                University of Lund, Sweden


  1. Prof. Dr. Carmen Brandt

                Junior professor for Contemporary South Asian Studies

                Department of South Asian Studies

                Institute of Oriental and Asian Studies

                University of Bonn

                Brühler Str. 7

                53119 Bonn


  1. Nazir Ahmad,

                (Committee Coordinator)

                Manager Poverty Elevation,

                AKRSP Core Office Gilgit


  1. Zakir Hussain Zakir

                Director Academics/Outreach

                (University Focal Person)

                University of Baltistan, Skardu,

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