Rules and procedures of BASR meetings:

  •  The term of office of members of the BASR, other than Ex-Officio members, will be three years
  • The quorum for a meeting of the BASR would be one-half of the total number of members, a fraction being counted as one.
  • The BASR will ordinarily meet during the months of October and June or whenever the occasion so demands.
  • The Secretary (Director of Research) will, with the approval of the Vice-Chancellor prepare the agenda for a meeting of the BASR. Ordinarily, a week's notice shall be given for the meeting.
  • At least five days before the meeting, the Registrar shall circulate among the members the agenda by post or through a special messenger with relevant papers.



  1. Supplementary agenda may be issued by the Registrar, if the occasion so demands, 48 hours before the meeting takes place.
  2. The secretary or a member with permission of the Vice-Chancellor may propose for consideration an item under "Current Work" for which previous notice to members will not be necessary.
  3. Any item included in the ordinary agenda, supplementary agenda, or current work may be taken up for consideration in such order as may be deemed fit by the Vice-Chancellor/ Chairperson.
  4. If a member so desires, he/she may propose in writing the consideration of any item in a meeting at a notice of at least 10 days before the meeting and send her proposal to the Secretary. The Secretary may include the item in the agenda with the approval of the Vice-Chancellor provided it is otherwise admissible under Statutes, Regulations, or Rules.
  5. Every matter under consideration in the meeting will be decided by a simple majority vote.
  6. In case of a tie, the Vice-Chancellor/Chairman will have a casting vote in addition to his vote as a member of the BASR.
  7. The record of proceedings of meetings of the BASR will be maintained by the Secretary and confirmed by the Vice-Chancellor/Chairperson. The proceedings after authentication by the Vice-Chancellor will be circulated among the members. An advance copy of a paragraph of the proceedings may, with the permission of the Vice-Chancellor, be issued for necessary action.
  8. The Registrar may, if the occasion so demands convene an emergency meeting of the BASR with the approval of the Vice-Chancellor irrespective of the time limit prescribed in Rules (1), (2), and (3) above.
  9. In case it is not considered feasible to call an emergency meeting of the BASR the Vice-Chancellor may order that opinion of members on a certain issue be invited by a certain date by circulating the relevant papers among the members and decide the issue according to the views of the majority of the members who send in their opinions within time, treating the rest as neutral, provided that at least half of the members have expressed their opinion on the issue.
  10. The proceedings of the BASR will not be invalidated on the ground that any member(s) did not receive within time or at all, the notice or papers or both for a meeting of the BASR.
  11. The BASR may authorize the Vice-Chancellor/Chairperson or a Sub-Committee composed of its members to take a decision on its behalf. The validity of this decision taken on behalf of the BASR will not be questioned in a subsequent meeting of the BASR.
  12. The BASR is authorized for a change of supervisor.
  13. The approval of subjects for research and appointment of supervisors in the case of MS examination will be accorded by the Chairperson on behalf of the BASR on the recommendations of the Board of Studies concerned.
  14. The approval of the research proposal and appointment of supervisor/s in the case of Ph.D. examination will be accorded by the BASR when the candidate has satisfied the members of BASR through the presentation.
  15. A previous decision of the BASR shall not ordinarily be reconsidered within one year of the date of the decision in a subsequent meeting of the BASR unless the Vice-Chancellor recommends so.
  16. The rules may be added to, changed, or modified from time to time at the discretion of the BASR.